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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Lessons Learned: Good to Great by Jim Collins

I recently read the book, Good to Great by Jim Collins.  There are a lot of summaries out there like:

This post is more like some things I learned and want to keep in mind.

First Who Then What
With the right people, you can go in any direction regardless of what changes may happen to the company.  If you all have a desire for what's best for the company and a similar vision as to what is best, "who" is better than "what".

The 3 Circles
This is a good, fast way to determine what you/your company should do.  If you are passionate about your work, you won't give up easily.  If your work brings in money, you can keep doing it.  If you can be the best at what you do, you will eventually be successful.

Hedgehog Concept
To be the best at something you usually have to focus all your efforts in one area.  This is the hedghog concept. Be the best at your core work.

The "Flywheel"
We often hear of companies that shoot to greatness almost overnight.  The fact is that they've been working at it for a while now and are only being noticed now.  They constantly push and push until it's easy to keep the flywheel going.

If you find some of these topics interesting, you'll find Good to Great interesting.

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